Odesa, st. Sakharova, 34

Self-service checkout
Ready meals
Home goods

In one of the most colorful cities of Ukraine - Odessa - is the best supermarket "Tavria". The network is engaged in the sale of high-quality and certified goods at a pleasant cost. You can store for the best products in virtual mode or by visiting the stationary store at the address: Sakharova Street, 34. The main advantages of the company can be attributed to:

wide assortment;

no restrictions on the weight of the order;

free delivery from a certain amount of purchases;

regular discounts and promotions.

Buyers can also contact the technical department, if there are any difficulties with ordering. This can be done by phone number or with the help of chatbot "Support". In order not to burden yourself with heavy bags, we recommend ordering food delivery at home. You will be offered several ways of transportation depending on the locality and the volume of the order. Appreciate our service and all the advantages - making purchases in the outlet "Tavria"!