Odesa, st. Vernenska, 2

Self-service checkout
Ready meals
Home goods

The chain sells a wide range of goods for any budget. Here you can find products from different categories from the best manufacturers. Buyers do not need to look for a store near your home, because shopping can be done in virtual mode. Each registered user has access to the catalog, which sells:

food products;

household chemicals;

personal care products;


entertainment supplies;

pet products and other.

The company does not make markups on its products, as well as does not set restrictions on the weight of the order. For convenience, use the search bar or the information filtering function. These options are designed to exclude irrelevant items from the proposed list.

Online supermarket offers to use the delivery of purchases by courier and "New Post". For residents of Odessa is possible option of self-delivery at the address Varnenskaya Street, 2. For more details about all the conditions you can read in the information section.